Gallina, ladies’ vocal quartet (Ljubljana, Slovenia), was founded at the end of 2010. The group devotes special attention to Slovenian (folk) music, diverse choral music from the Renaissance to the contemporary period, music of the golden era of Slovenian popular song (1960s) as well as foreign vocal jazz and pop compositions. The vocation Gallina follows and considers of great importance is also encouraging young composers to write new choral pieces, thus enriching the treasury of compositions for female voices.
The group has collected a notable record of achievements, the most recent of which are: a Gold plaque of excellence at the Regional competition of adult choirs and vocal groups 2013 (Slovenia), a Gold plaque and a special recognition award (best vocal group) at Naša pesem 2014 (Slovenia) and two second prizes at international choral competition Polifonico 2014 Arezzo (Italy). In 2015, Gallina won two first prizes and a Grand prix at international choral competition “Lipanjski zvuci” (Croatia). In 2014, their first record, Kurje gospe (Hen Ladies), was released.
Due to its specific features and recognizable quality, Gallina has enjoyed the hospitality of several event organizers both from Slovenia and abroad. In the year 2015, they have performed at the following Slovene and foreign festivals: »Festa della musica attiva« (Piazzola sul Brenta, Italy), 11. Mednarodni zborovski festival (11th International Choir Festival. Koper, Slovenia), Festival Lent (Maribor, Slovenija) and Mednarodni zborovski festival Kragujevac (International Choir Festival, Kragujevac, Serbia).
In the year 2016, the group held a tour across Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In Slovenia and its neighboring countries, they held a number of sacral concerts in the churches painted by Tone Kralj. The group is currently releasing their second record titled Prikupnih pet (The Adorable Five). The repertoire from the record will be presented in the cycle of concerts titled Zimzelena Gallina (Evergreen Gallina) in October 2016 in Ljubljana.
In Gallina vocal group meet: Maša Simčič (soprano), Urška Banovec (soprano), Ana Plemenitaš (alto) and Višnja Fičor (alto) under the artistic leadership of Ana Erčulj.